Thursday 05/27

Tomorrow Friday 05/28 - Doors at 4:30pm with a 5:00pm start. This will be the only time we’re open. Rain or shine we’re going for it! We will have a few easy-up tents set up by the garage door incase it’s raining at the time for those who like to hit their squats and push ups outside. If you would like to bring one to set up you’re more than welcome!
Monday 05/31 Memorial Day - Closed

Strength- Every 90s x 9 sets

  • 3-3-3-2-2-2-1-1-1 Push Jerks

  • Build to a heavy single for the day


  • 50/35 Cal Row

  • 24 Sit ups

  • 12 Push Jerks (155/105)