Friday 10/22

TT21 is quickly approaching! Registration has officially ended.

In the coming weeks and you haven’t already think of a creative team name and coordinate with your partner for a team outfit. (there will be awards for most clever team name / team outfit voted by all participants)

All teams guaranteed 3 wods before top 6 move onto semifinals

Doors will open at 8am Saturday Nov 6th with a mandatory athlete briefing at 8:40am. First wod will go down at 9am sharp!! We will be starting with our infamous strength ladder!

Part 1: 7 min AMRAP

  • Max Power Snatches (115/85)

  • EMOM = 7 T2B

Rest 6:00
Part 2: 7 min AMRAP

  • Max Lateral Burpees

  • EMOM = 7 Push Press(115/85)

Score = Total P. Sn + Lat Burps