1 of 3
WOD 1 of a 3 week open that CF HQ has released begins now! For us we will program these workouts for our Saturdays, of course if you cannot complete it today you have plenty of time. If you are signed up online don’t forget to submit your scores.
I know their server was getting a lot of kick back and not really working. Be patient. This happens every open season, so many people on at once trying to find and submit info can be crazy at times. If you had trouble signing up today, try again tomorrow.
There is an Rx and Scaled version. View the full workout description on www.games.crossfit.com scale as needed.
At home WOD- 10 min AMRAP
10 Squats
9 DB Snatch (R)
10 Push ups
9 DB Snatch (L)
if you do not have a dumbbell use an odd object, milk jug, small backpack, etc…