We just designed a BOMB Tshirt to help support and rep CFU! Unisex sizing available in XS through 2XL. $25 each.
The back reads "Caution - strong undertow - but not as strong as our community" with some sweet surf flare on the front! See picture below!
List your name on the google sheet along with your quantity and sizing. Pre-order will be availablethrough April 30th so we can order May 1st!
The account you have on file will be charged as the list fills. If you do not have an account or would like to use a different payment method let us know and we will email you a PayPal link.
At this time we cannot front the entire order so this is why accounts will be charged asap.
If you have trouble filling out the sheet let us know!
A black shirt with white writing - 50/50 cotton/poly blend - if anyone has or remembers the green(ish) 2018 Open shirts these are the same!
Once the shirts arrive and we are STILL not open, we will let you know times/dates Pat and I will be down at the gym if you want to pick up and say hi!
If you have any questions at all please contact us!
At home WOD- 10 min AMRAP
10 Mtn. Climbers
10 Push Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
10 Sit ups