week 4 here we go!
Moving into this last week of the challenge... 7 days are we are all finished!!
This week we are keeping the point system the exact same as last week.
The "daily extras" have changed a little bit though, the movements have been tweaked sightly:
Monday - 100 Groiners
Tuesday - 200 Jumping Squats
Wednesday - 3 min Handstand hold OR 5 min plank (accumulate this time, please do not go 3 minutes straight upside down...)
Thursday - 150 Jumping Lunges
Friday - 3 min Odd Object Wall Sit (pick any weight or object to hold while you sit, do not let it rest on your lap)
Saturday - 100 Push ups
Sunday - 200 Russian Twists
During this week we are going to program a couple Hero WODs. These workouts will be worth 2 points if completed! We will make note on our daily posts if it is in fact a hero workout in order to add points correctly.
After week 2 Jaime Curley and John Curtis were the top Male and Female participants!! Closely behind are Janine, Abby, Michelle H, and Peggy!! We shall see what week 3 points will tally up to!! Remember to submit your points from week 3 by tomorrow afternoon if possible to start a fresh week 4!
Prizes on the line for top M/F and then 2nd & 3rd over all!!
At Home WOD - 20 min AMRAP: Deck of Cards
Hearts = Push ups
Spades = Air Squats
Diamonds = 3x # = plank seconds
Clubs = G2OH
Joker = 15 Burpees
Ace = 1 Rep
Jack = 11 Reps
Queen = 12 Reps
King = 13 Reps