Tuesday skillz
Yesterday an email went out with some important dates to note. If you did not receive it check your spam folder first, if it’s not there either let us know so you can be put back onto our email list
This Saturday 03/14 the 9:00am class is pushed back to 10:00am start. Dr. Cat Powell will be leading a shoulder mobility & injury prevention clinic. All are welcome to attend!
Skill- 5 min AMRAP x2
Part 1= 2 Strict HSPU + 2 Cal Row
4 SHSPH + 4 Cal Row
6+6 etc…
Rest 2:00
Part 2= 2 Deficit HSPU + 2 Cal Row
4 DHSPU + 4 Cal Row
6+6 etc…
WOD - Every 3:00 x 6 Rounds
21/15 Cal Row
30 DU
3 Power Snatches*
increase weight each round