Tuesday 11/03

A few things are happening as we approach the end of the year (already!) First is our schedule and closures for the remainder of the year which is coming up fast... please note these changes below:

11/07 This Saturday - 8:00am class will become WBC once again - ladies only, 9:00am class for everyone

11/09- Following for the week - New winter schedule - Open Gym and Sweat Rx classes added on Tuesdays & Thursdays - OG at 6:30pm - Sweat at 7:15pm - see full schedule on our website www.cfundertow.com/schedule

11/15 Sunday - Food Drive Deadline (see more info below)

11/26 Thursday- Thanksgiving Day - 1 class at 8:30am - closed for the rest of the day

11/27 Friday - No 5:15am class, all other classes on as scheduled

12/24 Thursday - Xmas Eve - Morning classes 7:00am & 8:00am only - Closed for the rest of the day

12/25 Friday - Xmas Day - Closed

12/31 Thursday - New Year's Eve - 5:15am, 7:00am, 8:00am & 4:30pm classes

01/01/2021 - Friday - New Year's Day - Closed

Food Drive Info - starting now through November 15th we will be collecting items in the lobby for Thanksgiving or even any non perishables are greatly appreciated. Examples of food are (but not limited to) canned vegetables, boxed mashed potatoes, boxed stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, corn bread etc...

Strength- OTM x 10 mins

  • 2 Squat Snatches @ 70%

WOD- For Time 40-30-20-10

  • Row/Ski/Bike

  • Air Squats