Long Haul

In it for the long haul today! This wod has three parts with built in rest as well.

Yesterday we sent out an email with important dates to take note of for the remainder of 2019. If you didn’t receive it please contact us so we can forward it to you! (contact@cfundertow.com)

WOD- Final Time on part 3 = your score

Part 1: Starting on the 0:00 (12:00 Cap)

  • 50/35 Cal Row

  • 50 HSPU

    Rest until the 15:00 Mark

Part 2: Starting on the 15:00 (12:00 Cap)

  • 35 Sit Ups + 50 ft HS Walk

  • 25 Sit Ups + 50 ft HS Walk

  • 15 Sit Ups + 50 ft HS Walk

    Rest until the 35:00 Mark

Part 3: Starting on the 30:00: 3 RFT

  • 400 m Run

  • 21 Burpees
