Huge shout out to Ryan Nash for completing a half iron man up in Lake Placid this past weekend! Here’s a little clip in his own words how this event was for him!
“What an experience!! It was a tough 3 months of training but all worth it in the end. As much as I was nervous for the swim it went great, I for sure underestimated the hills on the bike and by the end of the bike I was barley moving the run started well but the fatigue set in and I was hurting bad. I Finished well inside my goals for this event and had an absolute blast in one of the most scenic places I’ve ever been. Huge thanks to my biggest supporter Ali Nash without her I wouldn’t have made it past the starting line! A huge thanks to Frank Oliva, Andrea SchieckSongen and Peter Schieck for the advice during both training and race day! So after a 1.2 mile swim 56 hilly miles on the bike and a brutal 13.1 mile run, 6 hours 35 minutes and 48 seconds later, I can officially call myself half an Ironman!”
Strength- Every 2:00 x 6
6 Back Squats @ 70%
WOD - 4 Rounds
500m Row
400m Run
Rest 1:00