Labor day week reMinders!
Monday Labor Day Sept 2nd - Beach WOD only ! We will be closed for the day. Meet at Smith Point Beach at 8am west of the pavilion. Friends and family welcome!!! Potential swimming portion pending ocean, there will be a modification for the swim. It is not mandatory.
Wednesday Sept 4th- Hoka Mile at Bay Shore HS. NO EVENING CLASSES. Sign up at you will need to put in an estimated finishing time to be placed into heats. First heats start at 7pm. Professional runners will race after trying to break 4 minute miles! Come down and run or spectate!
Strength - every 90s x 7 sets
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Squat Clean
1 Squat Clean
400m Run
7 Power Cleans
7 Hang Sq Cleans
7 Sq Cleans (115/85)