Wednesday Sept 4th

An email went out yesterday regarding some awesome up coming things happening next week! The 8:30am class will stay put until further notice!

We will start off September with a Beach WOD on Monday the 2nd. The gym will be closed for Labor Day. Meet at Smith Point beach at 8am west of the pavilion (swimmers be prepared just in case the ocean is looking good!)

Wednesday Sept 4th - there will be no evening classes. The only classes we will have this day is 5:15am and 8:30am. Go to to sign up for the HOKA mile hosted at Bay Shore High School. Let’s get an Undertow Crew there to participate and support this awesome event! When you sign up they will ask for an estimated finishing time to be placed in a heat with similar competitors. Heats start at 7pm. This is a great opportunity to see what you ACTUAL mile time is on a track! Stick around after the race to watch the professional runners strive to break a 4:00 mile!!! Let us know if you signed up (wear an Undertow shirt if possible)!

Skill - Every 2:00 x 5

  • 50 ft Single Arm DB OH Lunge

  • Remaining time max strict HSPU

WOD - Every 5:00 x 5 Rounds

  • 400m Run

  • 15/12 Cal Row

  • 15 T2B

Slowest round = Score
