overcome challenges
“The carpenter doesn’t show up to the job with a single hammer, and a single nail.”
“To be successful, we need to think of ourselves as a toolbox. A vast array of skills and capacities that can adapt to take on any problem, from any angle. The carpenter hones his craft through focused work with specific tools, but he mustn’t lose sight of its role in the bigger picture. Adaptability is everything to him, as no two “jobs” are the same. Like the carpenter, we expect the challenges, uncertainty, adversity and negativity… but we have an even greater expectation, that we will overcome them.”
Skill - 3 Rounds
250m Row or 200m Run
3 Ring MU or 6 Strict pull ups + 6 Dips
WOD - 20 min AMRAP
30 KB Swings (53/36)
30 Push Press (95/65)
21/15 Cal Row
30 T2B