happy friday
“No mud, no lotus”…
“The mud produces a beautiful blossom, known as the lotus. Some of the most beautiful things in life come from the most adverse conditions. It’s easy to chalk up an achievement to luck, or something someone was born with. What’s harder to admit is that said individual put in an incredible amount of effort, perseverance, dedication, and resilience over repeated failure, time and time again, to get to where they are.”
We seek the mud. We know what it brings.
Strength - Deadlift OTM x 6
3 @ 70%
1 @ 75%
3 @ 70%
1 @ 80%
3 @ 70%
1 @ 85%
WOD - 16 min AMRAP
30 DB Hang C & J (50/35)
25/18 Cal Row
20 Lateral Burpees
15 Deadlifts (245/165)