Row your heart out
Thursday 12/12/19
Only two more days until our annual holiday party! If you plan on bringing a pot luck dish don’t forget to fill out the google sheet, we will have sterno racks set up if needed (BYOB) Significant others are of course welcome!! Superlative votes are in the lobby and will be available throughout Saturday morning classes to fill out. Holiday party start at 7pm with superlative announcements at 9pm.
WOD- For Time
Cal Row
100’ Plate FR Lunge (45/25)
Right Into
Wallballs (20/14)
Post WOD Conditioning - 3 Rounds Row/Bike/Ski
Min 1- 12/9 Cals
Min 2- 15/12 Cals
Min 3- 20/15 Cals
Min 4 & 5- Rest