Mobility workshop
FREE mobility workshop this Saturday at 9:00am hosted by CFU member and Physical Therapist; Dr. Catherine Powell! Yes that means that the 9:00am class has been pushed back to a 10:00am start (for this weekend only). WBC will still remain at 8:00am
She will put us through some recommended mobility stretches specific to certain common problem areas as well as warm up suggestions. This is a great time to ask about targeting an area that may be bothering you or hindering performance.
If you have not already fill out this quick survey/waiver for Dr. Cat, plus it gives us an idea of how many will be attending! D5FzgfoNz5eobkpt5
Strength - Every 2 mins x 5
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
3 Rounds “Macho Man”
5 T2B
4 C2B