When the open starts!

This year we are going to hold off on the Saturday night lights event we usually do with every open. Don’t worry.. it’ll be back next fall in full force! For this upcoming Open we are going to be putting the workouts as our Friday class wods. If you miss it and want to make up the workouts do so by coming to any Open Gym time slot!

We do not require you to sign up worldwide but it is kinda cool to see where you place against your age, division, country, state, etc… There are a lot of different categories now! See for yourself at games.crossfit.com

Our annual in-house competition is coming up though! If you’ve competed in the past you know how awesome of a competition it is! Start buzzing for a partner (MM or FF), an all levels come. This year it will take place December 7th! (CFU members only please)

Strength- Alt OTM x 12

  • Even: 3 Front Squats

  • Odd: 6 Backsquats @ 70% of 1RM

WOD- Every 4:00 x 5

  • 9 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)

  • 15 Front Squats (95/65)

  • 15/12 Cal Row

    Slowest round = Score
