WOWZA! 20.4 is a chipper style wod with a brand new open movement… Pistols! Check out games.crossfit.com for the full standards and scales espically for the weight changes and pistols. NOTE: for those who signed up for the world wide online submission there is a tie break time. After the last completed set of either box jumps or pistols.
WOD- For atone (20 min cap) or Max reps
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Clean & Jerks (95/65)
30 Box Jumps
15 Clean & Jerks (135/85)
30 Box Jumps
10 Clean & Jerks (185/115)
30 Pistols
10 Clean & Jerks (225/145)
30 Pistols
5 Clean & Jerks (275/175)
30 Pistols
5 Clean & Jerks (315/205)