Donate blood
The Bilello house is hosting their annual blood drive this Saturday October 5th. Contact Ellen for more info or to schedule a time to head down and donate! Check out the flyer for details!
Dont forget about our pre-order happening through Friday! Contact us if you have trouble filling out the sheet.
Strongman class- Starts this Sunday 10/6. Women’s class at 8:00am and men’s class at 9:00am. If you haven’t contact us about joining, please do!
Open gym Sundays - 10:00am-12:00pm
Strength- Strict Press Every 90s
Build to a heavy single
WOD- 5 Rounds
1000m - 800m - 600m - 400m - 200m Row
30- 25-20-15-10 KB Swings (53/36)
100 ft. KB lunge