Thursday push!

New Year’s schedule reminder!!!

Monday - New Year’s Eve - 9:30am and 4:30pm classes only!

Tuesday - New Year’s Day - CLOSED, enjoy your holiday and forced rest day!!

WOD - For Time : 21-15-9

  • Box Jump Overs (24/20)

  • Power Cleans (115/80)

  • C2B Pull ups

  • Front Squats

  • Lateral Burpees

  • Push Jerks

Midline - NFT

  • 30-25-20 Sit ups

  • After each set 1:00 Front Rack hold with barbell

Shout out to those who came down for our xmas eve wod!! Packed house!

Shout out to those who came down for our xmas eve wod!! Packed house!