5 days!
Our holiday party is quickly coming up! This Saturday at 7:30pm we’d love to see you! It is potluck style and if you would like to bring something write it in on the sheet below so we don’t have tooooo many doubles…
Strength - Every 2:00 Squats
6 Back Squats @ 75%
4 BS @ 80%
3 BS @ 85%
2 BS @ 90%
5 Front Squats @ 75%
5 FS @ 80%
5 FS @ 85%
WOD - For Time
60 DU
30 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35)
60 DU
30/21 Cal Row
60 DU
30 T2B
60 DU
30/21 Cal Row
60 DU
30 Alt. DB Snatches