2 days left!


Friday is the absolute last day to register for the Turkey Tourney, let us know if you are looking for a partner (contact@cfundertow.com)

We will be releasing WODs soon!!! Look out for some e-mails in the future.

Skill - Alt OTM x 10 mins

  • 3 Single Arm DB OHS each arm

  • :45’s handstand walk practice

WOD - Every 3:00 x 7 Rounds

  • 400m Run + 12 T2B

  • Score = slowest round

TURKEY TOURNEY -Use the link below to sign up BY NOVEMBER 9th!! Include your shirt size as well (unisex sizing) if you have trouble with the sheet contact us! $50 registration per team ($25 per person) Let us know how you would like to pay. LADIES TEAMS there is a waiting list, most likely we will add more spots!
