Stay in motion


“Far too often, it’s the start that we fail at. It’s the first step, the first push, to begin the process. The challenge is hardly ever to align the goals or to make the next list of actionables. It’s to gather the energy to actually go.

There will be a voice in our head, that says – there’s time to do this tomorrow. That there’s other things that are “more urgent” to take care of today. Things are just too tight right now.

The first step will be to silence that voice. And to just start. Because we recognize that whatever the goal is  – the search of a new job, chasing a new PR, a significant other… we just need to start. For “an object in motion, tends to stay in motion”.”

TURKEY TOURNEY -Use the link below to sign up BY NOVEMBER 9th!! Include your shirt size as well (unisex sizing) if you have trouble with the sheet contact us! $50 registration per team ($25 per person) Let us know how you would like to pay.

WOD - For Time 16-14-12-10-8

  • KB Swings (53/36)

  • C2B Pull Ups

  • Cal Row

  • 200m Run

Mid- line - 3 Rounds

  • 21 Weighted Sit ups (25/15)

  • 15 Sit ups

  • 75 DU

  • Rest 2:00