Deload Day


It’s been a tough week so far… taking things down a bit with some midline work and rowing conditioning. It might be “boring” but this is the stuff that is going to make us STRONG!!! Be sure we are completing everything today perfect!!

Mid-Line - 3 Sets

  • Max Effort L-hang/Tuck Hold

  • 100m Double KB Front Rack Carry

  • Rest 1:00 between rounds

Conditioning - 4 Rounds

  • 1:30 @ 2K Pace + 15 sec.

  • 1:00 @ 2K Pace + 5 sec.

  • 0:30 @ 2K Pace - 10 sec.

  • Rest 2:00

TURKEY TOURNEY -Use the link below to sign up BY NOVEMBER 9th!! Include your shirt size as well (unisex sizing) if you have trouble with the sheet contact us! $50 registration per team ($25 per person)