Turkey Tourney info released!
Yesterday we had sent out an e-mail with all the information about our upcoming 3rd annual Turkey Tourney!!! If you did not receive it please let us know so we can forward it (contact@cfundertow.com)
Within that e-mail as well we listed our holiday schedule. Please take note of the closures and times that may have been adjusted!
Use the link below to sign up BY NOVEMBER 9th!! Include your shirt size as well (unisex sizing) if you have trouble with the sheet contact us!
Skill - Alt OTM x 10 mins
Even: 45s Max Strict HSPU
Odd: 5 Tap-n-go Power Cleans
WOD - For total Reps
3 min AMRAP
10/7 Cal Row
9 Power Cleans (115/80)
3 min REST
3 min AMRAP
10/7 Cal Row
7 Power Cleans (135/95)
3 min REST
3 min AMRAP
10/7 Cal Row
5 Power Cleans (155/105)