Tuesday 08/22
Yesterday we sent out an email and posted to our social media sites regarding our new apparel! If you did not receive our email please check your spam folder, if it’s not there let us know so we can get you back on the list!
ORDER BY AUGUST 30th! - use the link below to place your order. Please let the entire page load first before typing. See Dom & Pat's examples on how to list multiple items and sizes per garment. We have limited size samples of all the products here in our lobby.
If you have trouble accessing or editing the sheet please send us an email reply with your full order. Accounts will be charges as the sheet is filling up. Any cash or venmo orders please have your fees in by the cut off date.
Projected turn around time to receive the order is 3-4 weeks.
Any questions at all please don't hesitate to reach out!
Body Armor- 4RNFT
6 Kneeling Strict DB Press ea. arm
15 Supermans
10 DB Plank Renegade rows
15 Hollow Rocks
WOD- For Time
3 Rounds
18/15 Cal Row
12 Thrusters (75/55)
12 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
REST 5:00
36 Box Jump Overs
36 Thrusters (45/35)
54/45 Cal Row