Tuesday 06/15
Lifting class reminder for tonight at 7:15pm !
Looking for a few more men & women to help us reach a minimum for the shorts order!! We have the men’s shorts samples in the lobby. Ladies our shorts sample got lost but the fit is similar to Reebok spandex!
WOD- For Total Cals
5:00 AMRAP + 5:00 Rest
AMRAP 1: 3 Rounds
15 Pull ups
9 Clean & Jerks (95/65)
Max Cal Row in remaining time after 3 Rds
AMRAP 2: 2 Rounds
12 C2B
9 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Max Cal Row in remaining time after 2 Rds
AMRAP 3: 1 Round
9 Bar MU
Clean & Jerks (185/135)
Max Cals in remaining time