Friday 10/15

Dom and Pat tie the knot on Saturday!!!! Please bare with us as the schedule needs to be adjusted for a few days. We’ll be back to normal on Thursday!

Class schedule reminder through this Wednesday.
Saturday- Normal schedule
Sunday - Open gym only 9am-11am
Monday- 8:00am + All Evening Classes
Tuesday - No morning- Evening classes pushed back 15mins (4:45pm, 5:45pm and 6:45pm)
Wednesday- 8:00am + Evening classes pushed back 15 mins (4:45pm, 5:45pm and 6:45pm)

Body Armor - 4 Rounds

  • 15 DB Floor Press

  • 10 DB Bent over row (ea. side)

  • :30 sec hollow hold

WOD- For Time

  • 500m Row

  • 25 HSPU

  • 500m Row

  • 20 HSPU

  • 500m Row

  • 15 HSPU