Wednesday 10/13

We have to make a time change on our Tuesday 10/19 and Wednesday 10/20 evening classes next week :

Classes will be pushed back to start 15 minutes later than normal. Start times will be 4:45pm, 5:45pm & 6:45pm

Don’t forget to vote every day on

WOD- 3 sets for completion

  • 0:00 = 200m Run + 3 Deadlifts (225/155)

  • 2:00 = 400m Run + 6 Deadlifts

  • 6:00 = 600m Run + 9 Deadlifts

    Set 2 times 12:00, 14:00 & 18:00

    Set 3 times 24:00, 26:00 & 30:00