Wednesday 01/20
PALEO CHALLENGE - flash challenge #3
Create your own CLASS! Send/post/tag us in a workout you’ve created that would fit into our 1 hour classes. Consider how long skill/strengths take as well as workouts. Mention time caps, AMRAP times, OTM times, etc…Earn 1 point towards your score through the week ending Sunday Jan 24th.
We will pick our favorite one and program it into one of our classes for the final challenge week (Jan 25-30). Be creative but mindful of what equipment/space we have and can use with a full class size (12 people), weather plays a factor in this as well!
50 ft. DB Walking Lunge (50/35)
25 Pull ups
50 ft. DB Walking Lunge
Post WOD mobility stations
challenge peeps, yes this counts towards your mobility point for the day