Monday 07/06
We sent out an email yesterday regarding out door classes beginning THIS WEDNESDAY!!!! WOOO!!! If you did not receive the email please contact us ASAP ( some may have accidentally unsubscribed from our email list, but we can get you back on!
For now we are going to have all members reserve a spot for the class they would like to attend through the “ZenPlanner Member App” or through their website . The email we have on file is the one to use when signing in!
Our schedule has changed slightly for the time being!! (check out the schedule tab for the latest update)
WEATHER!!! - - - please check here on the website as well as social media for last minute weather updates… we will always update the top post of the day with weather updates if we need to cancel for the day due to rain.
We strongly recommend bringing a yoga mat or pad for any movements/stretching we may do on the ground, it will also help protect our KBs and DBs. We have small hand mats for you to use if needed!
Please contact us with any questions or if you have trouble reserving your spot! - - - see you Wednesday!
BEACH WOD (here’s a little fun one we did on the beach today if you would like to jump in on it at home)
10 min AMRAP -
50ft. Bear Crawl
50ft. Lunge
8 Burpees
100ft. Sprint