Friyay 07/24- 5:15am class cancelled due to thunderStorms

Due to a high percentage of thunderstorms 5:15am class is cancelled - all other classes are on

On the 0:00 For Time:
16 DB Alt. Hang Squat Cleans (50/35)

-8 minute time cap-

Rest 4 mins

At the 12:00 For Time:
12 Shoulder to Overhead Left
12 Shoulder to Overhead Right

-8 minute time cap-

Rest 4 mins

At the 24:00 For Time:
36 Burpees
48 DB Alt. Hang Clean and Jerk

-8 min time cap-

Post WOD Midline- 3RNFT

  • 1:00 Side Plank ea. Side

  • 20 DB Box Step ups

  • 20 Supermans
