WOAH, hello 19.3…. Lunges, Step ups, HSPU, and HS Walk….what a combo! If you are competing Saturday night with us please review the standards on games.crossfit.com
Rx - Single arm 200ft. OH Lunge, 50 DB Box step up, 50 Strict HSPU, 200ft. HS Walk (50/35) (Masters 35/20 +Elevated HSPU)
Scaled - Front Rack 200ft. Lunge, 50 DB Box step up, 50 Elevated Strict HSPU (Masters 10lb strict press), 200ft. Bear Carwl (50/35) (Masters 20/10)
If you will not be here for tomorrow night let us know as soon as possible. Heats will be sent out today!
WOD - 4:00 on 4:00 off x 5 rounds
30/21 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps
Max burpees with time remaining
Throw back to the 2017 open where we saw DB lunges as well!