20.3 = 18.4
Choosing one of the variations of this workout either Rx or Scaled. Try not to mix and match.. if you’re not doing the world wide open you can of course modify the weight if needed.
Your score today will be either time completed or total reps. There is a score sheet below the white board for easy conversion! NOTE there is a tiebreak time!!! If you’re doing the world wide open MAKE SURE your judge notes the time you complete each set of Deadlifts. Especially the set you last completed if you hit the time cap.
Refer to games.crossfit.com for the full score sheet and standards
WOD- 20.3 For Time (9 min cap)
Part 1 = 21-15-9
Deadlifts (225/155)
Part 2= 21-15-9
Deadlifts (315/205)
50 FT Handstand walk